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Crafting a set of utilities for traders

In the evolving landscape of technology and finance, finding the right platform to not only kickstart your career but also make a meaningful impact can be a challenging endeavor. We sat down with Software Developer Hamza to learn how his journey as an intern paved the way for his current role and success.

The Road to DRW

As a university student with a thirst for knowledge and a passion for technology, he made it a point to attend career fairs and immerse himself in learning about various companies. His exploration led him to the realization that trading firms offered a unique blend of a fast-paced, competitive environment that aligned well with his ambitions. Moreover, the prospect of contributing significantly as a developer rather than getting lost in the crowd at a larger tech company was appealing to him.

DRW stood out among the trading firms due to its strong focus on technology, “the notion that I could have a substantial impact here, working on projects that push the boundaries of innovation, excited me immensely.”

Embarking on the Internship Adventure

Hamza’s journey with DRW began as an intern, and interestingly, he had no prior knowledge of finance. However, that proved to not be a hindrance. The first week of his internship was dedicated to laying down foundational knowledge about the financial domain, ensuring that all interns started on a level playing field.

As stated by Hamza, “the heart of my internship experience lay in the four rotations across different teams. Each rotation lasted around 2.5 weeks, a relatively short time, but sufficient to grasp the essence of each team's role and function. These rotations exposed me to diverse challenges and perspectives, allowing me to delve into various aspects of the business.” One memorable project that Hamza worked on during his internship was for the GD1 team. This project involved crafting a set of utilities that traders could leverage in their daily activities. This experience wasn't just about writing code; it was about collaborating closely with traders, understanding their needs, and creating solutions that directly impacted their work.

Lessons Learned and Success Achieved

The challenges during this project were multifaceted. The requirements were initially vague, prompting intense collaboration to discern the exact needs. Leveraging his interest in performance-critical code, he took on the task of reducing network load for traders' requests. Engaging with other engineers on the team, he was able to discuss various approaches and craft a solution that significantly improved efficiency. A key factor in the project's success was the unwavering support of his team. Being able to communicate with traders of diverse backgrounds and needs was immensely valuable. The project's success wasn't just measured in code, but in the value it added to the traders' daily routines.

Carrying the Torch Forward

Today, Hamza serves as a mentor helping guide another intern through their journey, much like he experienced. The project he worked on as an intern continues to thrive, with a new hire actively building upon and expanding it. The challenges he faced during his internship laid the groundwork for his success in his current role, “the ability to tackle performance-critical code, communicate effectively with traders and fellow developers – these skills seamlessly transitioned into my full-time career.”

From an intern navigating uncharted territory to a seasoned professional making substantial contributions, DRW strives to offer tools that setup new hires for success. The project Hamza worked on during his internship not only shaped his career but also continues to leave a lasting impact on the firm’s technology landscape.